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the 1L michele®


trademark makes it easier for people to remember Michele’s name, and also that it is spelled with only one L. Think of it as a visual: MicheLe. It’s also important, in case you have never thought about it, that the correct spelling of a person’s first name is all about details and respect. “The devil is in the details.”

Michele publicly speaks about the importance of first names with humor and fun. After all, someone has to do it and it might as well be her. Some say she has an eclectic personality or a magnetic one. It’s up to you.

Michele talks about easy first names that get messed up due to spelling errors. For example, there are the ‘Danielle’s’ whom are called ‘Daniel.’ There are different spellings for the Chris name: Chris, Kris, Khriss, Chrisse and Chryss. There are problems with the name of ‘Barbara’ whose first names are sometimes spelled as ‘Barbra.’ Some women also temporarily use a different first name, or a nickname, because their real name is too difficult to say or spell. There are definite issues with Frances and Francis, Tom and Thom, and also Gail, Gayle and Gale. Let’s not forget Steven and Stephen.  Countries have name spelling problems too.

For Michele, she often says, “One L-No Hell” to make the listener laugh and to make it easier for them to remember the correct spelling. It works! There are things a person can do with their first names if they think about it. They can create a cool email address about their first name. They can create a rhyme too like “One L-No Hell.”

First names are important to people. It should be. There are meaning reasons. There are family tree reasons. There are cultural issues. There are identity reasons. No matter what, it shows respect and detail when a person’s first name is said and spelled right. Remember, “the devil is in the detail.”  It shows you care enough to get it correct, and it makes it easier for everyone. Click HIRE ME! when you are ready for some first name fun!