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When you have a child, it’s like getting on an amusement park ride and then putting on your seat belt, except you do not get off the ride until your child becomes an adult, at an age that varies. The bottom line is this: it all depends on how you handle the ride. The ride can be fun and exciting but also scary and expensive. So, don’t get on the parenting amusement park ride based on your perception of just fun and excitement, if that’s all that you think it will be as a parent about parenthood.

On the amusement park parenting ride, both at the beginning and during it, there will be a myriad of issues to deal with and handle. You can get advice and help from trained professionals, but the parent is the one–a baseball analogy is appropriate here–who picks up the bat to hit that home run and often. There will be many BIG bumps UP and down, twists, turns and hurdles, whether you like it or not, and whether or not you expect it. It’s you that will need to successfully handle the curve balls on the parenting amusement park ride.

How a person handles the entire ride is the essence of parenthood. While many parts of parenthood are wonderful, it’s definitely not all glory. And parenthood is especially not glorious if you don’t do it right. A person needs to know how to be a respected and respectful parent. If you are, then the end of the ride will make you happy. But the ride is not easy. It takes a lot of time, energy, effort, money, thought and emotional health which involves emotional excellence, emotionally intelligence and emotional integrity.

The truth is just because you can be a parent, does not mean you should. That’s honesty and truth to the core of the soul.

the one L micheleknows the facts, has the parenting credibility, the accolades, and the thirty-plus years of research to explain it. She also is funny while explaining it because of her sense of humor.

the1Lmichelesays that truth and honesty are great equalizers for everything in life. And truth and honesty are especially great barometers of parenthood. If you want to do this most important job on the planet, you definitely want to do it right.

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Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.the one L michele