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egotestïcle®© / egotesticle®

egotesticle or egotesticle® BIOLOGY: Egotestïcle® or egotesticle® IS biology. It IS science. It describes male behavior. It IS respectful and helpful. It IS ground-breaking. It answers the “why?” questions. It is also clever and creative. It is fun to talk about. It’s educationally exciting. It is an attention-getter too. It IS not egotistical which defines an excessively conceited self-centered person. The definition of ego is a person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance–it does not include any mention of good or bad behavior. Bad ego behavior is associated with being egotistical. Women MD’s and RN’s say egotestïcle® (or egotesticle) is “biologically brilliant.” Michele figured it out. BIOLOGICAL BOTTOM LINE: Testosterone (“T”) is the powerful male sex hormone. Testosterone also has other important medical functions for men too. Biologically the “T” is produced in two testicles. This IS science. This IS biology. It IS educational. It is not misandry. Exciting revolutionary fact: Testosterone causes men’s ego-based behavior. KEY: Examine how the young boy’s “T” was nurtured in nature from parenting, culture and his environment. Realistically, men’s behavior can be good, bad or ugly. Watch the 1966 Clint Eastwood movie, “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.” Men wrote the screenplay and directed the famous movie. EXPLANATION: A man’s ego behavior is primarily good or bad. There are many good ego guys, and they are great men. Women love good ego guys. Good ego guys are masculine and have compassion, integrity and emotional maturity. Good ego guys are True Good Men®. They are healthier and happier in life. They treat girls and women with respect. They are true allies for girls and women with equity for equality. These men avoid that toxic “Man Box.” Be a True Good Man®. There are bad ego guys who cause problems due to greed, power, attention, control and more. Some of Taylor Swift’s songs like Men, Should’ve Said No, I Knew You Were Trouble and the music video, The Man, are about the bad ego guys.        BOTTOM LINE: True Good Men® have integrity, compassion and respect for girls and women. A True Good Man® is a gentleman. Good ego men are real men and are great role models for boys and other men. The world needs much more of them. (See the Resources page.)