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Hire Me! …as a Speaker

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Interested in having a speaker with a unique important topic about Your Moral Compass Counts®? Ever wonder why men get into so much trouble? Curious on how women can find a “good man?” Consider getting inspired and being humored. 

You’ve heard at least one of these phrases, “He’s a good guy” and “He’s a bad guy” or “He’s a good cop” and “He’s a bad cop.” You’ve heard that for a reason, but probably never thought about what made the man act that way. 

Right and wrong morals involve good and bad behavior. And good and bad behavior intersect with one’s ego…especially the male ego. And good male ego behavior involves a moral compass [and maybe also an inner North Star for guidance in life].

Bottom Line: Men have to know how to be happier and healthier and women need to know how to find a “good man” or a gentleman.    

If interested in a personable down-to-earth speaker who involves an audience with some fun, won’t talk too fast, and with a talk not boring-long, think about The 1L Michele®. 

She can do your keynotes (and your high notes) and speak at presentations, conventions, expos, or conferences.  

Consider hiring Michele or The One L Michele® (only one L) and America’s Moral Compass Ambassador® at Hire Me!