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The One L Michele®

the one L michele

Have a common name? If so, you may feel lucky. Have a unique first name? If so, you may not mind, even if your first name is said, spelled or written wrong.  

Michele or The One L Michele® is one of the first to humorously speak about first names. Her first name only has one L. She has had problems since the first grade. Because her name has only one L, most can’t say it, spell it or write it correctly. For her, it’s often “oh well”…with two LL’s.

Michele does not have a middle name from birth, so her first name is it. In the future, she wants to do a fun TEDx Talk. Michele has been communicating for years about her first name and others as well.

The Beatles composed the song “Michelle” from their 1965 album Rubber Soul. So most everyone thinks her first name is spelled with two LL’s like ‘hell.’ Often, Michele does a first name jingle: One L-No Hell.  

Famous actress and singer Barbra Streisand has had to remind fans and friends for years about the correct spelling of her first name. Her first name is spelled “Barbra” like “BAR-BRA” and notBar-bara.”  She was so serious about the correct spelling of her first name that in 1965, she recorded an album titled, “My Name is Barbra.”

Other unique first names cause issues too. Adele, the singer, revealed in 2022 that her first name is said wrong. And singer Mariah Carey got bullied in childhood about her first name. There are normal first names with many different spellings. Kerri can be Carrie, Keri, Cari, Carey, Karrie or Keri. Lindsay can be Lindsey, Lyndsey, Lyndsay or Lindzee. There is a Katharine, Catharine or Catherine. And the male first name for Shaun can be Shawn or Sean. Zac can be Zack. First names can also be changed: Mika can become Mike and Danielle can become Daniel. Names like Bill, Joe or Mike don’t get messed up and either do first names like Joan, Mary, Kim or Kate.

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